AOM IM Division Online Research Resources Webinar
Studying temporal dynamics in international business: New trends and methods.
8:00 am – 9:30 am (EST), May 11, 2022
- Christine Chan, University of Hong Kong
- Sven Kunisch, Aarhus University
- Liliana Perez-Nordtvedt, University of Texas-Arlington
- Noman Shaheer, University of Sydney
- Scott Turner, University of South Carolina
- Liang Chen, University of Melbourne
- Pengxiang Zhang, Peking University
Extant IB research has directed significant attention to spatial factors, yet, less is known about how temporal dynamics differ across countries. In this panel, we seek to map out promising future directions about how IB scholars can develop this important line of inquiry about temporal dynamics. Particularly, these past few years highlight exciting technological progress, shifting institutional environments, and the up and down pandemic trends across countries. All of these disruptive, transforming global phenomena bring temporal dynamics to the foreground and create significant opportunities for investigating temporal variables at both the country(region) and firm levels. For example, the advent of digital technologies may fundamentally reshape our understanding about the speed and sequence of internationalization. The dynamic process of institutional reforms across countries/regions represents a multidimensional force that goes beyond the level of institutional development. The unexpected shock and, later on, the continuous waves of pandemic across countries have not only disrupted established routines, but raised awareness among individuals and businesses to develop temporal strategies (e.g., entrainment, decoupling) that can shield them from such disruptions. Given the challenges to study temporal dynamics, this webinar has a strong emphasis on identifying new research opportunities and then exploring alternative ways to empirically investigate these issues.
This webinar aims at discussing the opportunities in studying temporal dynamics on the wake of recent global disruptions and transformations such as digitalization, institutional reforms, the outbreaks of pandemics, etc. The discussion will focus on both country and firm levels and we seek to offer suggestions that can help scrutinize these temporal dynamics in quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods approaches. Specifically, the panelists will start with the new opportunities in studying the temporal dynamics of the country-level environments; then, we will move on to dynamics of firm strategies such as internationalization; at last, we will discuss the interplay between dynamics at both levels. We welcome questions from the attendees during the webinar.
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Best Regards,
Liang Chen and Pengxiang Zhang
Pengxiang Zhang
Guanghua School of Management, Peking U.