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IM Global Podcast - 8th Episode - Professor Timothy Devinney

  • 1.  IM Global Podcast - 8th Episode - Professor Timothy Devinney

    Posted 04-23-2021 16:13

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are glad to share with you the eighth episode of the IM Global, the Podcast series of the Membership Drive Committee of the IM-Division of the Academy of Management.

    In this episode, Dr. Luiz Ricardo Kabbach, Clinical Assistant Professor at Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, interviews Professor Timothy M. Devinney, Chair and Professor of International Business, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.

    Professor Timothy talks about his recent article on the principles of philosophy of science in International Management research, co-authored with Professors Elizabeth Rose (University of Leeds) and Karishma Nagre (University of Leeds). Timothy shares his valuable knowledge and experience to discuss the challenges that IM researchers face when testing theory and present recommendations and important implications for the nature of research in international business.

    This episode offers great value for our community as it provides an opportunity to reflect upon the state of the art in IB research and how to improve our discipline, especially, regarding the way we test a theory.

    Enjoy the show!

    This new episode is available at:
    Anchor: https://anchor.fm/imglobal
    Overcast: https://overcast.fm/itunes1519595091/im-global
    Google Podcast: IM Global
    Apple Podcast: ‎IM Global on Apple Podcasts
    Pocket Casts: https://pca.st/stxnlnhs
    Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/im-global-6NygDm
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3aQKIvPxp4CGswDqvQ3OVb

    Organizers: Alex Settles (University of Florida), Rui Torres de Oliveira (Queensland University of Technology), Patricio Duran (Saint Louis University), Iiris Saittakari (Aalto), Sachiko Yamao (Keio Business School), Hyun-Jung (LSE), Tanvi Kothari (San Jose State University), Alfred Presbitero (Deakin University), and Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro (University of Florida).

    Feel free to contact Luiz Ricardo Kabbach (MDC Co-Chair) at luiz.kabbach@warrignton.ufl.edu if you have questions about the IM Global Podcast Series or whether you are willing to help in the MDC's initiatives.

    Stay safe and enjoy the show.

    Alex and Luiz Ricardo (MDC co-chairs)

    Luiz Ricardo Kabbach de Castro
    Department of Management
    office 352-273 0329 mobile 352-213 4279
    Bryan Hall 133 F, 1384 Union Road
    PO Box 117168, Gainesville, FL 32611