Dear Colleagues:
If you missed either of the first two of the IM Division's Spring teaching webinars, you can now find them on the IM Division Teaching Resource Website at: IM Teaching Resources
Our recent webinars were:
1) Innovative Approaches and Innovative Players Besides Business Schools in Executive Education, March 7, 2022 with Carl Fey, Aalto University School of Business; Howard Yu, IMD; Blair Sheppard, Global Leader, Strategy and Leadership, PwC and founder Duke CE and former Dean Duke Fuqua School of Business; Britta Börjeson, founder and Vice President Learning Expertise, Volvo Group University; and Jena Davidson, founder and CEO Jenson 8
2) Strategies for Teaching Digital Strategy in International Business
March 25, 2022, with Vinod Jain, Author of Global Meets Digital: Global Strategy for Digital Business; Digital strategy for Global Business and Sali Li, University of South Carolina
Please also remember that our next two webinars this Spring (you do not have to sign up in advance, just tune in) will be:
1. Webinar: The Future of Case Teaching in an Online and Hybrid World
Andreas Schotter, Ivey School of Business, Western University, Canada
April 20, 2022, 9:00-10:30 AM US Eastern Time, 15:00-16:30 Central European Time, 22:00-23:30 Beijing Time
Case teaching online is less effective than on campus delivery, but can be equal to on campus delivery when combined with asynchronous activities. Now, two years into the biggest shift in teaching for most of us, it is time to consolidate best practices and to provide an opportunity for picking up additional skills for a future that will certainly not be like the past. From our work with hundreds of faculty around the world it is clear that case teaching has changed permanently with COVID-19. After this session you will be able to better adapt to online case teaching and to redesigning or designing from scratch entire courses for online case delivery. We will also discuss how to best blend asynchronous and synchronous learning. Case examples for the webinar will come from International Business, but the learnings about case teaching are relevant for many disciplines, and as such the seminar should be of interest to people from diverse areas. For additional information please contact Andreas Schotter at
Speaker Bio
A dual Canadian and German citizen, Dr. Andreas Schotter is an Associate Professor of International Business and General Management and the CEMS Academic Director at the Ivey Business School. He holds the F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellowship. He is also a John H. Dunning Fellow at Henley Business School at the University of Reading in the UK. Before joining the faculty at Ivey, Andreas served on the faculty of the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona. The Wall Street Journal has named him twice Distinguished Professor of the Year. Andreas' research appears in top management journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, MIT Sloan Management Review, and others. He has authored numerous books and book chapters and more than 20 cases, several of them bestsellers. In addition to his scholarly work, Andreas works closely with multinational corporations and not-for-profit organizations from North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America on their global strategies and business model transformations.
Zoom Link for the Webinar
Join webinar via zoom at:
Meeting ID: 925 4644 1519
Passcode: 061163
One tap mobile, +14388097799,,92546441519# Canada
2. Webinar: Teaching Culture General versus Culture Specific
Iris Berdrow, Bentley University and TBD,
May 17, 2022, 12:00 Noon US Eastern Time, 9:00am US Pacific Time; 18:00 Central European Time
Culture is a word that everyone has heard, probably used, and understands in some way. The concept has been widely researched in many contexts, for many purposes. We all have some sense of our "cultural heritage" and that other cultures are different. There is a difference between understanding culture as a social construct and understanding the culture of a specific group of people. These considerations are referred to as culture general and culture specific. This webinar will explain each, and provide a brief outline of the teaching tools for each. The zoom link will be announced later. For more information contact: Berdrow, Iris at:
Speaker Bio
Iris Berdrow is a tenured Professor of management and Director of the MBA program at Bentley University (Waltham, MA, USA), has taught at Harvard University Summer School (Cambridge, MA, USA), as well as internationally in Canada, France, Germany, Austria, Scotland and Morocco. She holds an MBA and Ph.D. with a concentration in Organizational Behavior and International Management from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. Her research interests are in intercultural effectiveness, globally oriented pedagogy, effective assessment, employee competencies and competency based education. Iris is published in MIT Sloan Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Long Range Planning and the Journal of World Business, among others. She is coauthor of Bases of Competence: Skills for Lifelong Learning and Employability (Evers, Rush & Berdrow, 1998). Dr. Berdrow has also served as Assurance of Learning Director and Chair of Faculty Senate at Bentley University, and currently serves as President of ION, International Organization Network. For additional information please contact Iris Berdrow at:
Zoom Link for the Webinar
Join the webinar via zoom at:
- Carl, Chair, AOM IM Division Teaching Committee
Dr. Carl F. Fey
Professor of International Business
International Business Unit
Aalto University School of Business
Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358-50-408-1070
skype: carlfey
wechat: carlfey
Carl Fey
Aalto Universtiy School of Business
Aalto (Helsinki)