MOC Best Paper Award
The MOC division offers a best paper award. Past winners of the award include the following:
2022 - Jeff Bednar, Benjamin Galvin, & Archie Bates. "How Will I lead in this Organization? How Individuals Situate Preexisting leader Identity Content within Organizations."
2021 - Karoline Strauss, Julija Mell, Frederik Anseel, Annemijn Loermans. "Synergy and Conflict in Visions of the Future: A Network-Based Approach to Future Work Selves"
2020 - Mustafa Akben and Ravi S. Kudesia, "Obliteration by Divergence in Scientific Networks: The Case of Ego Depletion."
2019 - Pedro Aceves, "Linguistic Relativity, Collective Cognition, and Team Performance." - sponsored by Durham University Business School.
2018 – Xi Zou, Jung Won Lee, and Abigail Scholer, “Rejection Sensitivity and Forming New Professional Relationships.”
2017 – Sunita Sah, and Daniel Read, “Disclosure and the Dog That Didn’t Bark: Consumers Are Too Forgiving of Missing Information.”
2016 – Oliver Nick, Thomas Calvard, and Kristina Potocnik, "Sensemaking and Control at the Limit: The Air France 447 Disaster."
2015 – Shubha Patvardhan, "Prospective Sensemaking: Strategy-making in a Pioneering Firm."
2014 – Andrew Carton, Chad Murphy, and Jonathan Clark, "Vision and Values."
2013 (co-winner) – Kristie Rogers, "Seeing past the orange: An inductive investigation of organizational respect in a prison context."
2013 (co-winner) - Raina Brands and Jochen Menges, "Team social network structures affect attributions of charismatic leadership to men and women."
2012 – Lynne Catherine Vincent, Sharon H. Kim, and Jack Anthony Goncalo, “The outsider’s advantage: Social rejection can fuel creative thought.”
2011 – Sunita Sah and Robert MacCoun, “Unconvinced but Persuaded: How Confident Advisors Influence You.”
2010 - Erin G. Pleggenkuhle & David Deeds, University of St. Thomas "Salience, Irrelevance and Amplified Biases in Third-Party Rating: Is the Media to Blame ?”
2009 – Joe Magee, Frances Milliken, & Adam Lurie, “Roles, Power, and Sense-Making after 9/11: Differences in the Content of Attention and Construal.”
2008 – Sophie LeRoy, “Why is it so Hard to Do My Work? The Challenge of Attention Residue when Switching Between Tasks”
2007 – Jack Anthony Goncalo and Evan Polman, “When Confidence Comes Too Soon: Collective Efficacy, Conflict and Group Performance Over Time”
2006 – Carmit T. Tadmor, Philip E. Tetlock, and Kaiping Peng, “Biculturalism and Integrative Complexity: Testing the Acculturation Complexity Model” -- Published in 2009 in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Volume 40, Issue 1, pages 105-139
2005 – Scott D. Julian and Joseph Ofori-Dankwa, “Saying FUI to TO/FU: Exploring the Relationship Between Two Models of Strategic Issue Diagnosis” -- Published in 2008 in the Strategic Management Journal Volume 29, Issue 1, pages 93-114
2003 – Kyle Lewis, Lynette Gillis, and Donald Lange, “Who Says You Can’t Take it with You? Transferring Transactive Memory Systems Across Tasks” -- Published in 2005 in
Organization Science Volume 16, Issue 6, pages 581-598
2002 – Daniel Levin, Robert Cross, and Lisa Abrams, “The Strength of Ties You Can Trust: The Mediating Role of Trust in Effective Knowledge Transfer”-- Published in 2004 in Management Science Volume 50, Issue 11, pages 1477–1490
2001 – Julia Balogun and Gerry Johnson, “From Intended Strategies to Unintended Outcomes: The Impact of Change Recipient Sensemaking” -- Published in 2005 in Organization Studies, Volume 26, Issue 11, pages 1573-1601
2000 – Peter Haggelund, “Sensemaking into Stable Quasi-Companies: Enabling Reality with Analysts’ Valuation Models”
1999 - Shmuel Ellis and I Davidi, “Switching Cognitive Gears between Conscious and Automatic Thinking: Drawing Lessons from Failed vs. Successful Events” -- Published in 2005 in Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 90, Issue 5, pages 857-871.
1998 - Michael W. Morris, Paul C. Moore, Michal Tamuz, and Rick Tarrell, “Learning from a Brush with Danger: Evidence that Pilots’ Learning from a ‘Near Accident’ is Enabled by Counterfactual Thinking and Hindered by Organizational Accountability” -- Published in 2000 in Administrative Science Quarterly, Volume 45, Issue 4, pages 737-765
1997 – Phyllis C. Panzano and Robert S. Billings, “To Sue or Not to Sue: Organizational Resistance, Relationships, Issue Frames and Context.”
1996 (co-winner) – Kenneth J. Dunegan, “Framing, Images and Fines: Examining Formulation Effects on Punishment Decisions”
1996 (co-winner) - Mark J. Martinko and Kelly L. Zellars, “Toward a Theory of Workplace Violence: A Social Learning and Attributional Perspective” -- Published in 1998 in Monographs in Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations, Volume 23, pages 1-42.
1995 – Loren Gustafson and Rhonda Reger, “Using Organizational Identity to Achieve Stability and Change in High Velocity Environments”
MOC Best Student/Dissertation Paper Award
The MOC division also offers a best student paper award. The first or sole author of the paper must be a student who clearly indicates their student status upon submitting the paper, or the paper must be based on a dissertation. Past winners of the award include the following:
2022 - Lidiia Pletneva. "Work as Refuge: Job Crafting as Coping with Personal Grief-Inducing Events."
2021 - Melanie Prengler, Anthony Klotz, and Chad Murthy, "A Grounded Model of Autonomy Calibration in Location-Independent Work Arrangements" Sponsored by Durham University Business School.
2020 - Randy Xue Ren Lee, PokMan Tang, Anthony Klotz, Remus Ilies, and Shawn T. McClean, "The Impact of Customer Creativity on Service Employees: An Emotional Appraisal Perspective." - sponsored by Durham University Business School.
2019 - Isabelle Yi Ren, "Knowledge Translation Strategies Across the Academic-Practitioner Boundary: A Balancing Act." Sponsored by Durham University Business School.
2018 – Jung Won Lee and Mathis Schulte, “Being in Love and War with my Team: Individual Team Ambivalence.”
2017– Sarah Easter, and Majken Schultz, “Processes of Negotiating Identity in a Cross Sector Partnership.”
2017– Jina Mao, “Adults Doing Youth Work: Identity Work and Situated Rhetorics of Adulthood Among Fast Food Workers.”
2016 – Christopher Myers “Antecedents and Performance Benefits of Reciprocal Vicarious Learning in Teams. s.”
2015 – Cristiano Guarana and Morela Hernandez, “Identified Ambivalence: When Cognition Conflicts Can Help Individuals Overcome Cognitive Traps.”
2014 – John McCarthy and Daniel Levin, "Network Shadows: The Perceptual and Performance Implications of Intra-Organizational Dormant Ties."
2013 – Shubha Patvardhan, "Prospection: Review and Reflections on Forward-Looking Behavior of Firms."
2012 – Johnna Capitano, Jonathan C. Ziegert, and Katrina A. Graham, “The impact of framing and feedback on decision making.”
2011 – TTimo Vuori, Mark P. Healey and Gerard P. Hodgkinson , “When People Agree Whilst Disagreeing: Implicit and Explicit Mental Models in Group Cognition”
2010 - David H. Tobey, Michael R. Manning & Mary M. Nash “The Change Moment: Emotive Markers Predicting the Onset of Social Movements.”
MOC Best Symposium Award
2022 - "Creating a Better World: Towards Better Management of Distress and Trauma in the Workplace."
Organizers: Solomiya Draga, Marlys Christianson, & Rachel Ruttan. Panelists: Rachel Ruttan, Ashley Hardin, William Kahn, Kira Schabram, & Sally Maitlis
2021- "Unpacking How Employees Navigate Unfulfilled, Unreasonable, and Unexpected Occupational Ideas"
Organizers: Pascale Fricke, Natalya Alonso, Patrick Reilly
Participants: Michel Anteby, Lindsey Cameron, Julia DiBenigno, Karim Ginena, Winnie Jiang, Katherine Kellogg
2020 - "Routines and Sensemaking: Strengthening Connections, Extending Theory"
Organizer: Brian Hilligoss
Discussants: Jorgen Sandberg and Martha S. Feldman
Participants: Timothy J. Vogus, Curtis Lebaron, Claus Rerup, Morten T. Vendelo, Marlys Christianson
2019 - Nitya Chawla and Allison S. Gabriel, "More than Feeling? Understudied Emotions in Organizational Scholarship."
MOC Best Submission with Practical Implications Award - Sponsored by Behavioral Science and Policy Association
2022 - Linnea Gandhi, Annie Duke, & Maurice Schweitzer. "Problems with Premortems: Self-Serving Attribution Bias in a Popular Debiasing Strategy."
2021 - Madeline Ong and Yong Kim, "Help Yourself Before Helping Others: When Corporate Social Responsibility Makes a Company Look Authentic."
2020 - Chunchen Xu and Arthur S. Jago, "Algorithmic Decision Making Undermines Affective Commitment."
2019 - Rajiv Amarnani and Ruodan Shao, "Aggression in Service Interactions: New Developments in Customer Mistreatment."