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Health Care Management Division - Be a Reviewer!

  • 1.  Health Care Management Division - Be a Reviewer!

    Posted 12-01-2024 20:39

    Health Care Management Division - Be a Reviewer!


    We need your help!  Each year, our HCM scholarly program is entirely dependent on the generous contributions of reviewers like you.  AOM will send out the formal reviewer recruitment message soon.  When you receive that email, please help the division by signing up as an HCM Reviewer.  We welcome your involvement whether you are a new or long-standing AOM Annual Meeting attendee.  Even if you're not able to join us in Copenhagen, you can still contribute in this meaningful way.


    What's in it for you?  That's easy! Reviewing…

    • gives you an opportunity to be directly involved in the Academy's program planning process,
    • is a way to learn about what constitutes excellent and interesting work in your field,
    • is an opportunity to add a line to your CV, and
    • is an easy and much appreciated way to give back to your professional community.


    You can sign up and access AOM Reviewer Guidelines for any additional information. The actual review period is 16 January 2025 and 13 February 2025, so please plan accordingly.


    Keywords... magic words?   

    When you sign up, you will be asked to select keywords/subject areas for each division or interest group you select.  These are really important!  Keywords will be used to assign papers and symposia that most closely match your interests and expertise.  Select as many keywords as you can to ensure that the system is able to make the match.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Amber Stephenson (astephen@clarkson.edu), HCMD Program Chair.  


    We look forward to your participation!

    Amber Stephenson
    Clarkson University
    Ballston Lake NY