This award, sponsored by AUPHA, is given to the paper judged to be the best paper with a current student, as of the annual meeting submission date, listed as either the sole author or the first author on a multi-author paper. The “student” self-designation, which is selected by the submitter at the time of submission, will be used to identify eligible papers. Papers that are identified as eligible for the HCM Division Outstanding Paper Based on a Dissertation award will not be eligible for the HCM Division Best Student Paper award; however, papers reporting on dissertation-related research will be eligible. A committee headed by the Program Chair and comprised of selected members of the Executive Committee and the previous year's winner of the award, selects the winner.
The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) is a global network of colleges, universities, faculty, individuals and organizations dedicated to the improvement of health and healthcare delivery through excellence in healthcare management and policy education. Its mission is to foster excellence and drive innovation in health management and policy education, and promote the value of university-based management education for leadership roles in the health sector. AUPHA is the only non-profit entity of its kind that works to improve the delivery of health services – and thus the health of citizens – throughout the world by educating professional managers. Its membership includes the premier baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degree programs in health administration education in the United States, Canada, and around the world. Its faculty and individual members represent more than 300 colleges and universities.
Award Winners
2024 |
Taylor Iris Bucy, Dori Amelie Cross. "Post-Acute Transitions for Traditional Medicare Beneficiaries with Serious Mental Illness."
2023 |
Margo Janssens, Samantha Van Der Bruggen, Alexander Schouten, Laurens Beerepoot, Roger Leenders. “Utterance Based Analysis of Communicative Phases in Multidisciplinary Health Care Team Meetings”
2022 |
Nicole Hartwich, David Antons. "Reducing Treatment Errors in Hospitals: The Role of Employee Voice in Unsafe Clinical Practice" |
2021 |
Yufan Deng, Christian Kiewitz, Samantha Jordan, and Wayne Hochwarter. "Losing Compassion for Patients? COVID-19, Compassion Fatigue, and Event-Related PTSD in nurses" |
2004 - 2020: Not awarded |
2003: |
David R. Williams and Carlton C. Young. "The Proposed Relationship Between Health System Characteristics and System-Based Physician Practice Acquisitions and Management: The CEO's Perception" |
2002: |
David R. Williams. "The Proposed Relationship Between Managerial Opportunism, Agency Issues, And The Fall of the Physician Practice Management" |