Dear Members of the Health Care Management Division,
We are approximately 5 months away from the 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and the Executive Committee has been busy planning a phenomenal and engaging program. The 2023 theme “Putting the Worker Front and Center” encourages our community of scholars to address questions impacting the heart of any organization, the workers. In the evolving financial, demographic, and political landscape of the post-pandemic world, the health care environment has been greatly affected by shortages of the workforce, essential worker burnout, and other challenges impacting health care organizations’ ability to care for patients. As a community of health care management scholars, we have the opportunity to provide meaningful responses to these pressing challenges.
Registration and housing for the Annual Meeting in Boston is now open! If you are traveling internationally to attend the Annual Meeting in Boston, don’t wait to apply for your visa. You can learn more on AOM's Visa Information webpage. If you will be a first-time attendee if the AOM’s Annual Meeting, we welcome you! For more information on the Annual Meeting and AOM general, please visit “A Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Academy of Management" written by AOM member Alan Meyer.
Here are some key dates for the HCM Division for spring and summer:
Registration/Housing Open: OPEN
Decision Notifications: late March
HCM division early careerist scholarship: Mid-April
Webinar: Succeeding as a Health Care Researcher in a “B” School"
Webinar: AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tools and Their Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, co-sponsored with AUPHA: May 11, 1-2:15 PM EDT
Annual Meeting Program: mid-May
83rd Annual Meeting: 4-8 August 2023
The Communications Committee is developing quarterly newsletters as a way to enhance communication with the HCM Division members. Contact Tory Hogan, Communications Chair, if you have any informational items you would like included in the newsletter. Also, please be on the lookout for more opportunities to contribute to the division in the coming months. We welcome new volunteers!
I am grateful to all members of this wonderful community for your endless contributions to the division. Thank you for all you do!
Ria Hearld
Sponsorships and Scholarships - A message from Cheryl Rathert, Division Chair-Elect
Sponsorships: As many of you know, much of our programming at the annual meeting (e.g., scholarships, social events, supporting plenary speakers) would not be possible without sponsors from HCM division member institutions. Please consider seeking sponsorship from your organization! If you think you may be able to help support the division, please reach out (
Scholarships: Details for the HCM division early career scholarship program will be available in Mid-April. Please be on the lookout for a message posted through the AOM Connect system, and if you have any questions, please reach out.
PDW Update - A message from Deirdre McCaughey, PDW Chair
Many thanks to all our members who submitted PDWs for the regular AOM conference program and the Emerging Scholars Consortium. We received numerous high-quality submissions, and all have been excellent to read. Excited to report, we will have a fantastic lineup of PDWs and excellent programming for the ESC. Acceptance decisions will be forthcoming shortly & then programming details will be shared. Plan to spend time at PDWs this year - you’ll be glad you did!
Thanks, Deirdre 😎
HCM Division Leadership Elections & ByLaws Amendments- A message from Brian Hilligoss, Past Division Chair
HCM Division Leadership Elections
Elections for AOM leadership positions will be held in April 2023. Please be on the lookout for information from AOM
Bylaws Amendments Approved
Following last year’s HCM Division 5-year review and development of a new strategic plan, the HCM Executive Committee proposed several changes to the HCM bylaws. These changes were put to the vote, which concluded on February 9, 2023, with a 14.86% response rate and unanimous approval. Thank you to all who voted. The revised bylaws are now in effect and may be accessed on the HCM website Governance page.
Research Committee - A message from Olena Mazurenko, Research Committee Chair
The HCM Research committee is seeking nominations for Early and Mid-Career awards. The deadline is April 30th, 2023. The description of the awards can be found on our website under AWARDS. Please reach out if you have any questions at
Membership Engagement Committee - A message from Geoffrey Silvera, Membership Engagement Chair
The Membership Engagement Committee is pleased to announce that AOM Annual conference social venues have been booked. All venues are in close proximity to the Boston Conference Center and the Sheraton Hotel. We will be hosting or co-hosting two webinars in the coming months (April and May), and we are excited to see everyone in Boston.
Webinar: Succeeding as a Health Care Researcher in a “B” School"
Webinar: All Tools and Their Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, co-sponsored with AUPHA: May 11, 1-2:15 PM EST
DEI Committee, A message from Charleata Battles & Vicky Parker, HCM DEI Task Force co-chairs
The newly created Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Task Force within the HCM Division needs YOUR input to help us better understand how we can continuously improve the HCM Division’s attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all that we do. Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think by responding to a brief survey at this link. Thank you very much!!
Charleata Battles & Vicky Parker, co-chairs, HCM DEI Task Force
Practice Committee - Jennifer Gutberg & Tracy Porter, Practice Committee co-chairs
The Practice Committee is up and running after several years in hibernation. The committee comprises a wide variety of scholars and practitioners, many of whom are newly engaged in the HCM Division. If you are a scholar seeking to engage in the practice world or a practitioner striving to publish your real-world work, please plan to attend our Practice Incubator in Boston. If you have any questions, please reach out.