HCM @AOM2021

HCM Division Highlights at AOM2021: "Bringing The Manager Back In Management" (Virtual Conference)

Health Care Management Division Plenary Session (session 1240)

Plenary Speaker: Ann Barry Flood, Ph.D., Dartmouth College: The 2021 Keith G. Provan Distinguished Scholar Award recipient.
Sponsored by the Health Care Management Division and established in 2012, the Keith G. Provan Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes an individual who has contributed to scholarship in health care management through an exemplary record of high-quality research that demonstrates conceptual and methodological rigor.
Dr. Flood received her plaque and virtually delivered the Health Care Management (HCM) Division’s keynote address titled Does (Organizational) Practice Make Perfect? 45 Years of Perspectives Add Many Nuances". She was introduced by eminent organizational sociologist W. Richard Scott, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Stanford University.

Best Papers Session 1 (session 832)
  • [ HCM Division Best Theory to Practice Paper & HCM Division Best International Paper ] "To Uncertainty and Beyond: Cataloguing Hospitals’ Adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic." Rachel Gifford, Maastricht U.; Daan Westra, Maastricht U.; Frank Van De Baan, Maastricht U.; Dirk Ruwaard, Maastricht U.; Fred Zijlstra, Maastricht U.; Lieze Poesen, Maastricht U.; Bram Fleuren, Maastricht U.
  • [ Designated as a “Best Paper” for HCM ] "Lessons from the Brazilian National Patient Safety Program for Building Safety Culture in Hospitals." Barbara Caldas, National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; Margareth Portela, National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; Emma-Louise Aveling, Harvard U.
  • [ Designated as a “Best Paper” for HCM ] "Masked and Distanced: How Personal Protective Equipment Affects Teamwork in Emergency Care." Tuna Cem Hayirli, Harvard Business School; Nicholas Stark, U. of California, San Francisco; Aditi Bhanja, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; James Hardy, U. of California, San Francisco; Christopher Peabody, U. of California, San Francisco; Michaela Kerrissey, Harvard U.
  • "Safe Surgery Checklist Implementation: Associations of Management Practice and Safety Culture Change." Maike Vanessa Tietschert, Vrije U. Amsterdam Sophie Higgins, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Alex Haynes, U. of Texas at Austin Raffaella Sadun, Harvard Business School
Best Papers Session 2 (session 1187)

  • [ HCM Division Best Paper & Designated as a “Best Paper” for HCM ] "Nursing Autonomy and Covid-19: A Temporal Theory of How Challengers Make Gains In Unsettled Times." Clayton Thomas, Iowa State U.; Scott Feyereisen, Florida Atlantic U.; William McConnell; Neeraj Puro, Florida Atlantic U.
  • "How Managers Affect Followers’ Health Behavioral Change: A Systematic Literature Review." Cedric Romme Bijl, U. of Twente; Wouter A. Keijser, U. of Twente.
  • [ Designated as a “Best Paper” for HCM ] "Interpersonal Relationships, Dynamic Reinforcement, and Alliance Performance.Genevra F. Murray, Boston Medical Center; Valerie A. Lewis, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Thomas D'Aunno, New York U.
  • "Organizational Culture and Nursing Home Financial Performance: The Case of High Medicaid Nursing Homes." Akbar Ghiasi, U. of the Incarnate Word; Justin Lord, Louisiana State U. Shreveport; Jane Banaszak-Holl, Monash U.

Symposia-1: Meeting the COVID-19 Challenge: Changes in Health Care Provision in Response to the Pandemic (session 902)

  • "How Not to Waste a Crisis: Frontline Units’ Implementation of Opportunistic Change." Elisabeth Yang, Yale School of Management; Julia DiBenigno, Yale School of Management.
  • "Cross-Team Collaboration: Professionals’ Influence on Centrally Controlled Crisis Management Teams." Andrea Wessendorf, Cambridge Judge Business School; Kamal A Munir, U. of Cambridge.
  • "Impact of COVID-19 on Primary Care Practice Sites and their Vulnerable Patients." Sara Singer, Stanford U.; Bianca Mulaney, Stanford U.; Jill Glassman, Stanford U.; Alan Glaseroff, Stanford U.; Grace Joseph, Stanford U.
  • "Creating and Sharing Best Evidence about COVID-19: Covid-END as a Global Community of Practice." Trish Reay, U. of Alberta; Jean-louis Denis, U. of Montreal; Samia Chreim, U. of Ottawa; Saeed Ahmadiani, U. of Montreal;
Symposia-2: Applying Management Research to Improve Science Research Teams (session 1316)

As the problems faced by modern science become more complex, developing effective solutions increasingly requires teams of researchers working across disciplinary, organizational, and geographic boundaries. This practice of conducting science research in teams across these boundaries is referred to as team science. Management scholars are well-equipped to make significant contributions to this field as over decades they have accumulated a strong body of research focused on understanding factors that promote more effective teamwork. An expert panel of researchers who have worked and consulted extensively with science research teams discussess on how to apply management research to increase the effectiveness of science research teams.