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eMail Options and Message Posting for HCM division's Connect microsite


Starting this Fall 2022, I have stepped down from my role as Communications Chair for the HCM Division. With the transition to the new HCM leadership team, Tory Hogan @ Ohio State University, as our Communications Chair, will be managing HCM Connect microsite in collaboration with Lesley ClackFlorida Gulf Coast University, as Social Networking Coordinator
To continue my participation/ contributions to the HCM community, henceforth, I plan to write blogs on topics that may interest HCM community members. During my tenure as communications chair, I often came across queries on the missing drafts of message posts created by community members and missing emails from the HCM division. As a starter, I reproduce below my previously posted message on HCM Connect message board (originally shared before this year's annual meeting) delving into the above issues of using the HCM Connect microsite. In the future, my plan is to write blogs on healthcare delivery research topics.
HCM members have actively used a few functionalities of HCM Connect including the message board and file sharing. However, blog functionality remains underutilized. I hope to see more HCM members utilize this fascinating functionality (click here to write your own blog) to share their writings on topics related to research, teaching, and practice of health care.   


Configuring Email Options and Receiving content notifications from the HCM division's Connect microsite

Please note that any individual who is an HCM member or recently became a member of the HCM division needs to ensure that they have configured their AOM profile appropriately for email options and community notification (w.r.t. content posted on the HCM Connect). The detailed guidelines on configuring email options are described at the link below:

Connect HOW to use AOM Guidelines:   
CONFIGURE Your email Options [step 6 of guidelines]:  

In your AOM Connect profile, under the "My Account" options, you can manage your "Community Notification" settings. This will give you control over how you'd like to receive emails that contain a summary of posts in your Communities.

We strongly recommend choosing the "Daily Digest" option for the "Discussion Email" column for HCM Community. You can also check the box under the "Consolidated Daily Digest" column if you want messages from all your communities to be sent as a consolidated daily digest [the system by default will not send you a separate daily digest for the community selected to be part of the consolidated daily digest unless you want- the option is available at the same configuration page].

When daily digest is sent: In my experience, the system sends out the daily digest emails around 07:00 AM Eastern Time (i.e., New York Time zone) which is either 02:00 AM or 03:00 AM UTC (Greenwich time) depending on whether daylight saving is off or on.  

NOTES for anyone who contributes to the HCM Connect site (message, or file):
All messages and files are moderated by the HCM Connect administrator(s) [this administrative role is by default given to the division's Communications Chair and a designated member of the communications committee, e.g. Social Media chair; currently, Lesley Clack (social media chair) moderates the messages and Ajit Appari (communications chair) manages the HCM microsite]. All messages that are approved by the administrator before 10 PM ET (this timeline offsets the 2 am/ 3 am UTC for message accumulation and sending w.r.t UTC time zone) are sent the next morning by daily digest emails (any message approved later will get included in the day after digest). Of course, as the site administrator, we do our best to approve your messages as early as possible. If your messages are not approved on the same day and if they are time-sensitive then you can send a reminder email to Communications Chair for approval.   

DOES HCM Connect Autosave my messages??: WHERE IS MY DRAFT MESSAGE?  Yes, the message functionality autosaves your content on a continuous basis. However, we strongly recommend that you post your message only after you have a final version of your message readily available (say in a Word file to copy/paste) instead of writing your message from scratch at HCM Connect.
Sometimes (even if you have your draft locally on your machine), it is possible that

  • you lost web connection while you were still writing the message. OR
  • you purposely saved your message as a draft in the HCM Connect to work on it later. 
In either of the above scenarios, when you log in back to HCM Connect, you will not see your draft message on the "Post a Message" form page of the HCM Connect site itself. But don't worry and remain happy. All your saved draft contributions (including drafts for other communities) can be accessed by going to your AOM Connect profile page. You need to do the following:

Step-1: Click the "Profile" link available under the drop-down link on the top right corner of the HCM Connect site [next to your picture], e.g. see the image attached below for my profile. Your profile page is the (universal) AOM profile page and is accessible under each of your division's microsites. You can perform this step (and the next steps below) from any of your subscribed community microsites or the main AOM microsite. It is not necessary to be on the HCM microsite.  

Step-2:  Click the "My List of Contributions" link under the tab "My Contributions" to see all your existing contributions to the HCM community (and any other community to which you subscribe). Note that you are still within the microsite of the HCM community. 

Step-3:  Click the "edit draft" link of your auto-saved message. In the figure below, a draft of this very message saved today at 16:33 ET on 8/10/2022 is shown for your reference. Thereafter, you can make necessary changes to your draft and follow the steps of posting message functionality as the system navigates you.

I hope this post will help you in having a better experience with the HCM Connect and AOM Connect.

