Hi Everyone,
The Health Care Management (HCM) Division invites you to submit creative and innovative proposals for Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) for the 2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. We seek proposals from AOM members who wish to organize a PDW session for either the Emerging Scholars Consortium (ESC) or the traditional, open PDWs intended for all HCM members.
Junior faculty and PhD students are welcome to propose innovative ideas for PDWs.
At the ESC, experienced faculty will interact with doctoral students and junior faculty. Historically, discussion topics include dissertation preparation, finding the right first job, generating publications, the tenure process, achieving work-life balance, and the competing demands placed on emerging scholars. These sessions encourage networking, mentoring (both traditional and peer), and the development of new insights about career options and how to pursue them.
Traditional, open PDW sessions should have a broader appeal to conference attendees at various stages in their careers. The goal of these workshops is to give attendees the opportunity to make new personal and intellectual connections that can enhance their research, education, and practice. Examples of past PDW topics include theory building in healthcare management, innovative research methods, exploring new teaching methods, career development, grant writing, international research issues, effective publishing strategies, and mentoring.
We welcome new PDW session ideas and encores of successful sessions from years past. Additionally, we encourage sessions that incorporate the 2023 conference theme, "Putting the worker front and center".
The most important selection criteria relate to participants' learning needs and an interactive, participant-centered format. Experiential learning and interaction must be promoted in every proposal. Additionally, clear, and feasible logistical plans and firm commitments from all presenters are necessary proposal components. The standard session length is 1.5 hours.
Individuals interested in organizing a session during either the ESC or the traditional, open PDW program are encouraged to contact HCM PDW Chair, Deirdre McCaughey, by December 9th to discuss their ideas.
Deirdre McCaughey, PhD, MBA, CPHQ, LSSGB
Associate Professor
Department of Community Health Sciences
O'Brien Institute for Public Health | W21C Research and Innovation Centre
Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Deirdre McCaughey
Associate Professor
University of Calgary
Calgary AB