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  • 1.  Call for Nominations: HCM Excellence in Teaching Award

    Posted 03-20-2024 13:41
    AOM HCM Colleagues,
    The HCM Teaching Committee is seeking nominations for this year's HCM Excellence in Teaching Award.  Please consider nominating a colleague or submitting a self-nomination for this honor.
    To submit your nomination, please send an email to pshay@trinity.edu with the following information:
    1. Your name and institution/program;
    2. The name, position, institutional affiliation, and email address of the individual you wish to nominate for the 2024 AOM HCM Excellence in Teaching Award; and, 
    3. A brief statement regarding the reason for your nomination.
    Nominations are due April 30, 2024.  All nominations received will be shared with and evaluated by the AOM HCM Division Teaching Committee's Excellence in Teaching Award sub-committee.  Nominees considered by the award sub-committee to be strong candidates will be subsequently contacted to provide further documentation as well as identify potential individuals who could provide letters of recommendation.  Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their success in developing effective teaching methods, courses, and/or teaching materials that generate student learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and/or research.  The individual selected by the members of the HCM Teaching Award Selection Committee as this year's honoree will be notified in advance, and the Award will be presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
    The AOM Health Care Management Division's Excellence in Teaching Award, which was established in 2005, recognizes innovative and outstanding teaching that takes place in our classrooms and provides the opportunity to encourage, recognize, and reward the work of excellent, dedicated, and inspiring teachers. Nominations are sought from the membership, and each nominee must be a University level academic staff, tenured or on full-time contract, and must have been employed in a teaching position for at least three years within higher education.
    Again, to submit a nomination, please send your nomination to pshay@trinity.edu by April 30, 2024.  More details about the Excellence in Teaching Award can be found at: https://connect.aom.org/hcm/awards/teaching
    Thank you for your consideration!

    Patrick Shay
    Associate Professor
    Trinity University
    San Antonio, Texas
    (210) 999-8133

  • 2.  RE: Call for Nominations: HCM Excellence in Teaching Award

    Posted 04-18-2024 11:43

    AOM HCM Colleagues,

    I wanted to share a quick reminder that if you would like to submit a nomination for a colleague or yourself for this year's HCM Excellence in Teaching Award, please be sure to do so in the next two weeks!  Nominations are due April 30, 2024.

    To submit your nomination, please send an email to pshay@trinity.edu with the following information:
    1. Your name and institution/program;
    2. The name, position, institutional affiliation, and email address of the individual you wish to nominate for the 2024 AOM HCM Excellence in Teaching Award; and, 
    3. A brief statement regarding the reason for your nomination.
    Please let me know if you have any questions.  We're looking forward to recognizing this year's recipient at the AOM Annual Meeting in Chicago this summer...see you there!

    Patrick Shay
    Associate Professor
    Trinity University
    San Antonio, Texas
    (210) 999-8133

  • 3.  RE: Call for Nominations: HCM Excellence in Teaching Award

    Posted 05-08-2024 10:51

    AOM HCM Colleagues,
    On behalf of the HCM Teaching Committee, I want to share that the call for nominations for this year's Excellence in Teaching Award has been extended.  For those who were planning to submit a nomination but fell short of getting it in, here's a final opportunity to put forward an individual who you feel is deserving of consideration.  Nominations will be received through May 17, 2024, and as a quick reminder, here is what's required:

    To submit your nomination, please send an email to pshay@trinity.edu with the following information:
    1. Your name and institution/program;
    2. The name, position, institutional affiliation, and email address of the individual you wish to nominate for the 2024 AOM HCM Excellence in Teaching Award; and, 
    3. A brief statement regarding the reason for your nomination.

    Thank you, and best wishes to all wrapping up the spring 2024 semester!

    Patrick Shay
    Associate Professor
    Trinity University
    San Antonio, Texas
    (210) 999-8133