The School of Health Sciences at Western Carolina University invites applications for a nine-month, non-tenure track position in the Health Sciences Program with expertise and interest in health management. This is a full-time appointment with the rank of Teaching Assistant Professor.
Responsibilities of the position include:
(1) teaching undergraduate and graduate courses that support the Health Sciences curriculum and general education courses;
(2) advising and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students in collaboration with the Advising Center; and
(3) providing meaningful service to the university, profession, and community.
We seek candidates who demonstrate their ability to work with, and be sensitive to the educational needs of, first generation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and rural populations; and support the University's commitment to Honoring Our Promise. The Health Sciences program is committed to building a community whose members have diverse cultures, backgrounds, and life experiences. Salary and rank are commensurate with academic qualifications and experience for a regional comprehensive university. Opportunities for summer teaching are available. For more information, the full posting may be reached here:
The primary location of this position is on the main in Cullowhee, NC campus.
Review of applications will begin in December and continue until the position is filled. Start date is August 1, 2023. Please feel free to share. I can be reached at if you have any questions.
Thanks, Beth
Beth Woodard, PhD, MHSA
Teaching Associate Professor
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC 28723
Beth Woodard
Associate Professor
Western Carolina University
Nashville TN
(828) 227-2588