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Welcome to the KnISE Community at AOM

  • 1.  Welcome to the KnISE Community at AOM

    Posted 08-04-2022 14:17

    Dear AOM’ers:


    We are excited to welcome you to join the Inaugural Gathering of the Knowledge Integration, Synthesis, and Engineering (KnISE) Community at the 2022 AOM Meeting. This year’s theme is Meta-Science and Technology (Meta-ST), and it will be hosted virtual (session 541).


    KnISE founders Kai Larsen (Colorado), Carina Hallin (ITU Copenhagen and MIT Center for Collective Intelligence), Frank Bosco (VCU), Benjamin Mueller (HEC Lausanne), Roland Mueller (Berlin School of Econ and Law), Brian Fisher (SFU and UBC), Mayank Kejriwal (U Southern California), and I will present you the current advancements in meta-science and technology (meta-ST) for knowledge synthesis, integration, and engineering.

    Organized by champions who devote their works to advancing meta-science, meta-methods, and technologies and have built exemplar infrastructures, this PDW provides a unique platform for the audience to learn and discuss the current advances in synthesizing and cumulating management research into timely, widely accessible, and actionable collective wisdom. This PDW proposes to have two sessions. In the meta-science session (1 hour), the focus will be on current topics of concept synthesis, theory synthesis, and empirical synthesis. In the meta-technology session (1 hour), the focus will be on knowledge graphs, visualization and human-computer interaction (HCI), and collective/hybrid intelligence platforms.


    Below you will enjoy some of the educational videos from this community:



    Some practical tools and software developed by the KnISE founders:


    We also welcome you to join our Connect@AOM Community and the LinkedIn Professional Group, as well as subscribe our YouTube Channel.


    We hope to see you all at 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT on Saturday, 6 August (save the date on your calendar)!



    Victor Zitian Chen, PhD, CFA
    Director, Data Analytics and Insights, Experimental Design and Causal Inference
    Fidelity Investments
    Boston, MA, and Durham, NC

    Global OpenLabs for Performance-Enhancement Analytics and Knowledge System (GoPeaks)
    Building a shared brain for people and society https://www.gopeaks.org/

    Join Knowledge Integration, Synthesis, and Engineering (KnISE) community – it sounds ‘nice’!